Rise up O Lord and Let your enemies be scattered!
Hey Everyone!
It’s action time! The good people of the state of Missouri are being duped into voting for Human Cloning. There is a state constitutional amendment (Amendment # 2) being voted on this election cycle which sounds like it will ban human cloning when in actuality it will sanction it and protect it from legal action. It will put the scientists working toward destruction of human life above the law in the state of Missouri.
The real danger is that the issue on the ballot sounds like it is a good thing. More than 87% of the people of Missouri do not want human cloning to be legal. Some very tricky lawyers have crafted the legislation to sound like it bans cloning while it actually protects and encourages it. Just like in the wording of Roe Vs. Wade.
There is another problem as well the people of the state of Missouri are being bamboozled by a $30,000,000.00 advertising campaign aimed at the passage of this dangerous law.
As good Catholics who know the difference, now is the time to act. We should all call someone anyone in Missouri and ask them to contact their diocesan leaders for the real meaning of the amendment being pushed on them. All it takes is for those of us on the outside to get the message in to the good people of Missouri. God will take care of the rest.
We are truly in a David and Goliath situation here but that is not our concern. God does not call us to be successful, He calls us to try! Bishop Finn of the diocese and My friend Archbishop Raymond Burke are totally against this amendment being passed into law. That should tell all you good pro-lifers that the amendment is bad.
Here is what we can do. Email and call anyone you know (Catholic or not) in the state of Missouri and ask them to contact the good people of the diocese to find out the truth. Send them to the diocesan website at:
for more information. Tell them to let all their friends and neighbors know about the Amendment too.
Then Pass this email onto everyone you know who is against cloning and for Pro-Life issues. If we work this right a ground swell of Pro-Lifers from all over the country outside the state of Missouri can break through and get the real message out to the average Missourian. Be the Body of Christ now, give Him hands to work with and speak His words to His people!
If not You Who? If not Now, When?
Please do all you can to protect the most innocent among us!
Michael A. Barone