Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Why Are The Comments Turned Off?

Tuesday, November 13th, 2012






Hey Everyone!
Sorry I had to turn the comments off but there were just too many spam-bots working 24/7 to screw with the contents of my pages. I will be happy to post any comments I think are good if you send them to my email which is God bless you all!
Michael A. Barone

Writer’s Block

Thursday, September 20th, 2012

The blank page… the hardest part is just starting. Writing whatever comes to your mind and hoping it forms into something better. Spell checking every line to be sure there are no leaks in your structure where someone can belittle your ignorance. Wondering if the world is ready to hear what you have to say. Doubting your own ability to keep their interest very long. Knowing your own limit to wanting to read anything laborious. How do you keep them from falling away from your anecdote without going over the lines in which you actually live? Wondering if people assume you are the characters you write about. Pondering if they assume you have traveled through or wish to live the lives in the stories you write. Fearing judgment. Will you lead others astray? Are you responsible for their actions if they read what you write and want to act out on those temptations? All these elements bring on a profound paralysis as you embark on the new ocean liner of your caffeine driven thoughts. Where will you end up? Who will be affected by the path you lay down? What lives will be changed and will they be affected for the better or for more tragic endings? All these weigh you down. All these fleeting emotions bring wax to your heart and lead to your hands as they type. It is a slow process; a snail’s pace of progress, and yet you hammer on, banging out the tale like a blacksmith of narrative forging the people and places of your imagination through the white hot conflagration of your tortured mind. Smelting the golden yarn in the crucible of your experiences, your unlived hopes, dreams, and conquests. Scraping away the dross and refining the yellow brick passage to your own personal Oz. Who will accompany you? Who will drop by the wayside? Will there even be a wizard at the end to give you knowledge, heart, or courage to examine where you have been? These frigid musings keep us locked in stone, frozen in an antiqued silence with a rich patina of uncertainty. Firmly buckled in our mental strait jackets we writhe in birthing out tortured prose. The process works hard against us like an overwhelming riptide pulling us out to the sea of our undoing and drowning us in the syrup of surging and demanding procrastinations. Nagging constantly at our core. Do you really want to share this notion? Can you bring anyone to anything good? Is there a purpose or higher goal which can even hope to redeem this egotistical blathering of your chaotic mind? Nausea, paralysis, and fear, these are all you are left with as you sit down to write. Will you be the master? Are you the Buonarroti of the hard, marble-white, blank page? Can you remove from it only that which is not the art you wish to express? Is your chisel sharpened enough to begin? Is your mallet unsentimental and your eye clear? Or are your literary offspring just cheap pulp fictional paupers masquerading as kings in fine clothes while the universe gawks at your pathetically naked soul? Only time will tell. But first you must begin. So onward you press!
“It was a dark and stormy night…”


Sunday, March 18th, 2012 LOGO.jpg
Hello UA class of 1979 and all friends of the band. We are working hard to pull together a great show for you in January. Right now I’m posting lots of old “Oswald And The Herringbones Live” shows in case you are not familiar with our music. You can find the tunes and download them free at the blue links on the right side of this page —->

Anything that says OATH is also Oswald And The Herringbones. I’ll be posting about 8 or nine more “Live” gigs soon. Each one is a little different and even though we repeat many of the tunes from show to show, there are usually a few new or stray ones which are not on each set list.

Please remember these are all old “board mixes” from shows in the Big Eighties, which means they are not professionally produced they were just taped (yes, on cassettes, remember those?) directly off the sound board at some of our live concerts.

I hope you enjoy listening to them as much as we had fun playing them back then. The January Reunion Gig will be posted as soon as we know the venue.

God bless you all, and thanks for thinking of us!
Michael A. Barone

OATH At Band Practice

Sunday, March 18th, 2012

This video click here, is us (Oswald And The Herringbones) practicing for a gig in 2007. We were at the Spruce Street Studios in downtown Columbus, Ohio (owned by a friend of Neal’s named “Chip”). Chip was very kind to us, and let us do a quick gig there the following night. This is the night before the actual gig so we were just taking it easy. Don’t expect too much of a show because no one is there but us. Mike McGraner was kind enough to film this archival footage for us so I thought I would post it showing with us with our hair down (so to say). Mike McGraner is doing some excellent work with Fritz The Nite Owl. You should check his stuff out on Facebook at:
Anyway we will be gearing up for the big January 2011 OATH Reunion Gig so get ready!
God bless you all!
Michael A. Barone


Saturday, May 28th, 2011

Oswald And The Herringbones will be playing a concert to help tornado victims in Alabama and MO. June 2nd.

The show starts early, at 6 pm, with the LEGENDARY Billy Zen, and ends with the INCENDIARY Willie Phoenix, who starts around 11. (Not to mention all the great acts in between!)

So, overall, an early show
The address is: 1200 W 3rd Ave
Columbus, OH 43212
Neighborhood: Grandview Heights
(614) 299-4987

Come get blown away for tornado victims and give until it hurts!It’s for a good cause!

MY IPOD TOUCH Is Making Me Crazy!

Tuesday, March 15th, 2011

OK the thing to do is to upgrade each time Apple comes out with a new OS. But then the stupid ipod will not upgrade until it goes into restore mode effectively killing off all previous content.Then it upgrades and then it is empty! I’m not happy with this! Not at all!

We’re Looking Into Recording Again!

Friday, February 18th, 2011

Due to the great fun and success of the Oswald And The Herringbones Reunion Show and Steve’s Birthday Party, we are looking into recording some more of our material for you.

There is a thought floating around out there that we would post the tunes once a month or let you our friends vote on which tunes we record.

It used to be very expensive to go into the studio and lay down tracks but now we all have our own studios in a box pretty much and we can do this without great cost.

Anyway, keep checking back and we will let you know what is being done. Our hope is to capture the energy and sense of the band rather than just cranking stuff out. So it should be pretty fun this time around.

God bless you all!
Michael A. Barone
Oswald And The Herringbones!

OATH will be LIVE at Ruby Tuesday’s Jan 28th 2011

Friday, December 24th, 2010

We hope everyone has a great Christmas! The band has been busy practicing for the public reunion gig at Ruby Tuesday’s 1978 Summit St. Columbus, Ohio January 28th! Hope we see all of you there. In the meantime you can listen to many of our tunes on this site (look to your right for links >>>—–>

We are also visible on just search Oswald And The Herringbones and many videos will pop up! Enjoy!
Michael A. Barone

Oswald And The Herringbones “What Does This Mean?”

Thursday, October 14th, 2010


Thursday, September 30th, 2010 LOGO.jpg
Hello UA class of 1979 and all friends of the band. We are working hard to pull together a great show for you in January. Right now I’m posting lots of old “Oswald And The Herringbones Live” shows in case you are not familiar with our music. You can find the tunes and download them free at the blue links on the right side of this page —->

Anything that says OATH is also Oswald And The Herringbones. I’ll be posting about 8 or nine more “Live” gigs soon. Each one is a little different and even though we repeat many of the tunes from show to show, there are usually a few new or stray ones which are not on each set list.

Please remember these are all old “board mixes” from shows in the Big Eighties, which means they are not professionally produced they were just taped (yes, on cassettes, remember those?) directly off the sound board at some of our live concerts.

I hope you enjoy listening to them as much as we had fun playing them back then. The January Reunion Gig will be posted as soon as we know the venue.

God bless you all, and thanks for thinking of us!
Michael A. Barone